Town of Falmouth, Massachusetts

Property Assessment Data

Assessor's Page

Fiscal Year 2025

The following information is provided as a service to the taxpayers of Falmouth and is for Assessing purposes only. This data is reflective of the January 1, 2025, actual tax bill. This on-line file is only updated yearly.(January) The most current information is available in the Assessors' office.

The assessed value (or assessment) is the value of property to be used for local taxation, as determined by the Assessors according to Massachusetts General Laws & regulations set by the Commissioner of Revenue. Assessed values in Massachusetts are based on "full and fair cash value" or 100 percent of the fair market value.

The Assessors do not determine taxes. The municipality itself determines the level of property taxation, through its Town Meeting. Similarly, the Assessors don't decide who is entitled to relief on their property tax bills through exemptions; rather they are established by state law. The fiscal year 2025 rate is $5.87.


Falmouth real estate taxes are issued quarterly.

July 1st - The fiscal year begins. This is the qualifications date for all statutory exemptions.

August 1st - The first estimated tax bill is due on August 1st.

November 1st - The second estimated tax bill is due on November 1st. It is advisable to file your application for exemption now.

December 31st - The actual tax bill will be issued and is due on February 1st.

May 1st - The final quarterly tax bill is due on May 1st.

To return to the Assessor's Website, click on the Assessor's Page link above.

To return to the Main Falmouth website, click on the Town of Falmouth, MA link above.
